Emilia Romagna Castles

Rocca di Ravaldino

The Rocca di Ravaldino, an imposing bulwark in the heart of Forlì, guards stories and legends that fascinate visitors.

A symbol of power and resistance, it is famous for the episode in which Caterina Sforza, lady of the city, played a leading role during the siege of 1488. With cunning and courage, Caterina defended the fortress from her enemies, turning it into a symbol of determination and strategy.

Walking within its walls, one relives the atmosphere of that time, discovering the stories of a place that has made history in Romagna.

A journey between reality and legend, where the past comes to life.

Re-opened in 2024, it is home to the summer music, entertainment, culture and film festival ‘Arena Forlì Rocca di Caterina Estate’.

Rocca di Ravaldino - Rocca di Ravaldino photo credits: |Bonavita Andrea| - Archivio Comune di Forlì - Servizio Cultura Turismo e Legalità


Castrocaro Terme E Terra Del Sole (FC)
09 Mar 2025


Cesena (FC)
20 Dec 2024 - 23 Mar 2025

Guido Guidi, mostra "Sul campo"